Live You
I believe the most powerful impact anyone can make on the world – including a contribution to future generations – comes with “living you.” I started to understand this when I was in my 40’s and working at Yahoo launching their executive leadership program. I was forced to ask, “What makes a great leader?” Through a ton of self-exploration and the help of coach and friend, Al Bhatt, I came to understand that great leadership stems from being authentic. Being you.
During my forties and into my fifties, I wanted to strip away all pretense and understand who I was, at my core, and what my purpose was in this big world. I thought if I understood this, I could lead a fulfilled life with no regrets and lead others in a powerful way.
I discovered that I would have to go against the grain and play smaller to play big(ger). I would need to stay local, very local (as in near home with my three kids), and lead from there. I thought, “If I raise empowered, confident kids who are comfortable with who they are in this world, I will set them up to live the best version of themselves.” It is their ripple in the ocean that will be the real “Wowza.” For this reason, I left a corporate job at Facebook – the pull to be in the moment and lead my kids was stronger than the pull to stay at a rocketship of a company. I launched Livewell to help me with the transition, as I knew I had to do something creative.
Guess what? I haven’t looked back (and, yes, I miss Facebook). When I witness the growth of Livewell and the 360-degree relationships that I have with my kids (now 22, 19 and 16) and that they have with their friends and community, I cannot deny the power of “living you.”
I’m convinced it all starts with you.
XO, Claire